A song I hadn't heard for years and had nearly forgotten about was Melting Pot by Blue Mink which reached number three in 1969 so is a childhood memory. It's a rather pleasant song with what I always though was a great message. Using love to bring the world together.
Not what Ofcom thinks apparently and although it hasn't banned the song (though the station Gold has) because of it's outdated lyrics says stations who play it should provide some "context". A political lecture by the DJ perhaps. Do me a favour. I don't think this multi-racial band, the writers or anyone else ever intended to give offence, quite the opposite.
There's language we don't use anymore in the song it seems, a slur on the Chinese amongst them, though not a term I recognise. They don't like the phrase "little Indian boy" either.
I'd say the message in this song was simply to bring people together. In a "Melting Pot" to populate the world with "Coffee coloured people by the score".
Fight back against this ridiculous kind of backwards censorship. Request your favourite Radio Station plays it for you and your friends!
Oh and remind Ofcom about some of the Rap lyrics I hear (actually try not to but that's another story) which promote misogyny, homophobia and violence. I know what I'd rather get rid of don't you?
Friday, 30 August 2019
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Crisis what crisis? Time for a general Election?
Some years back a motion appeared on our conference agenda calling for the union (PCS) to support the introduction of the Euro in the UK. Given the large number of motions on the agenda that and every year our Branch Executive Committee decided to put this particular one for debate to the Mandating meeting where members at least had a chance to have a say in what policies the union followed.
Resolutions were listed as "support", "oppose" or "listen & decide". Most were straightforward but some like this were bound to cause eyebrows to be raised. I decided I was happy to propose the branch delegates supported this motion and duly moved it thinking that a London multicultural/racial membership would be in favour.
They were not and it was overwhelmingly rejected and so we were delegated to vote against the motion. In retrospect correctly given the crisis that followed the Euro in subsequent years.
A warning sign of things to come? Although I was no longer in the same union come the referendum the majority of my workmates favoured staying in the EU but surprisingly many opposed. There was general disbelief when the outcome was announced. A bade decision but that was the outcome of the public vote. I quietly accepted the outcome as a democrat should do and expected that departure would be negotiated and off we would go.
Now over two bloody years and in my case a month's actual medical coma the issue is still not done. I've generally avoided discussing Brexit, mostly because despite it's importance I am sick to death of hearing about it. We had a chance to go and Parliament rejected Theresa Mays effort which was probably the best chance we had to get the deal done. Now everybody's moaning that we are heading to a "No Deal " exit. Most of Corbyn's Labour who voted constantly against May want to use the lack of a deal to initiate a coup and push the useless commie in Premiership.
Yet they have the temerity to complain old Boris is pulling a fast one with his latest stunt. Boris is playing "chicken" with the EU, but frankly we cannot continue as we are. Britain must be either in or out. I don't want a "No Deal" Brexit but although one will cause hiccups in the economy there will be no Armageddon as the more extreme "Remainers" preach. Nor will it be as straightforward as the the "Brexeteers" claim. But at least it will be over.
Personally I think the EU should just drop the Irish so-called "backstop" and keep the rest of the deal intact if it's not too late for that.
There needs to be and probably will be a general election this year and Boris will be the likely winner with maybe a few more Lib Dems on the back benches.
So long as Corbyn and his Blackshirt racists are kept out I can live with that.
Resolutions were listed as "support", "oppose" or "listen & decide". Most were straightforward but some like this were bound to cause eyebrows to be raised. I decided I was happy to propose the branch delegates supported this motion and duly moved it thinking that a London multicultural/racial membership would be in favour.
They were not and it was overwhelmingly rejected and so we were delegated to vote against the motion. In retrospect correctly given the crisis that followed the Euro in subsequent years.
A warning sign of things to come? Although I was no longer in the same union come the referendum the majority of my workmates favoured staying in the EU but surprisingly many opposed. There was general disbelief when the outcome was announced. A bade decision but that was the outcome of the public vote. I quietly accepted the outcome as a democrat should do and expected that departure would be negotiated and off we would go.
Now over two bloody years and in my case a month's actual medical coma the issue is still not done. I've generally avoided discussing Brexit, mostly because despite it's importance I am sick to death of hearing about it. We had a chance to go and Parliament rejected Theresa Mays effort which was probably the best chance we had to get the deal done. Now everybody's moaning that we are heading to a "No Deal " exit. Most of Corbyn's Labour who voted constantly against May want to use the lack of a deal to initiate a coup and push the useless commie in Premiership.
Yet they have the temerity to complain old Boris is pulling a fast one with his latest stunt. Boris is playing "chicken" with the EU, but frankly we cannot continue as we are. Britain must be either in or out. I don't want a "No Deal" Brexit but although one will cause hiccups in the economy there will be no Armageddon as the more extreme "Remainers" preach. Nor will it be as straightforward as the the "Brexeteers" claim. But at least it will be over.
Personally I think the EU should just drop the Irish so-called "backstop" and keep the rest of the deal intact if it's not too late for that.
There needs to be and probably will be a general election this year and Boris will be the likely winner with maybe a few more Lib Dems on the back benches.
So long as Corbyn and his Blackshirt racists are kept out I can live with that.
Tuesday, 27 August 2019
Uprising in West Papua against Indonesian misrule!
Over the past week hundreds of thousands of West Papuans have taken to the streets across the region, demanding freedom from the colonial rule of Indonesia.
The protests were initially prompted by an incident in the Javanese city of Surabaya, where Indonesian military officers and militia taunted Papuan students with racist slurs, calling them “monkeys”, “pigs” and “dogs”.
As the protests have grown in size, the Indonesian Government have responded by sending thousands more troops to the region and shutting down internet access and telecommunications.
From the highlands to the lowlands and coastal cities, communities are rising up and demanding freedom. The protests are growing daily, despite the increased military presence and intimidation. Only yesterday, a Papuan woman was shot in the arm by Indonesian security forces during a peaceful rally.
The protests were initially prompted by an incident in the Javanese city of Surabaya, where Indonesian military officers and militia taunted Papuan students with racist slurs, calling them “monkeys”, “pigs” and “dogs”.
As the protests have grown in size, the Indonesian Government have responded by sending thousands more troops to the region and shutting down internet access and telecommunications.
From the highlands to the lowlands and coastal cities, communities are rising up and demanding freedom. The protests are growing daily, despite the increased military presence and intimidation. Only yesterday, a Papuan woman was shot in the arm by Indonesian security forces during a peaceful rally.
West Papua is now in a state of emergency, and I renew calls for the United Nations to send a peacekeeping mission to protect the population from Indonesia's security forces. It is also vitally important that the Indonesian Government finally allow the UN Human Rights Commissioner, Michelle Bachelet, access with her team to undertake a fact-finding mission across West Papua.
Regular updates on the protests are being posted on the Free West Papua Campaign's Twitter and Facebook pages, so please do follow those if you are not already doing so.
The people of West Papua have an inalienable right to self-determination under international law. For over 50 years we have suffered under this brutal colonial regime that has denied us our rights, murdered over 500,000 innocent people and tried to strip us of our dignity. But our cries for freedom and justice will not be silenced. West Papua will be free.
If you'd like to get more involved in campaigning please visit our website. Any steps you can take to raise the profile of the struggle will make a difference - whether it's contacting your MP, local newspaper or posting about the situation on social media using the #WestPapua and #FreeWestPapua hashtags.
Saturday, 24 August 2019
New Japanese Punk from Otoboke Beaver
If you thought "Punk Music" was no more then think again with this quartet, Otoboke Beaver from Japan. Released back in April on the small Damnably Records label based in London I came across this band on You Tube and decided to take the plunge with a "blood splattered" vinyl edition.
The album Itekoma Hits is 26 minutes of short energetic if not frantic songs with fast guitar and a lot of loud vocals in Japanese (obviously) that will certainly wake you up from any afternoon or evenong slumber. They have have appeared at the Scala and will be performing in the UK again no doubt.
Here's a taste of their album which if you do pick up a vinyl copy of actually plays at 45rpm! Caught me out!
Further Info: otobokebeaver.bandcamp.com
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
Free Tibet: Day of the Disappeared Picket of Chinese Embassy
On Wednesday 28 August, Tibetans and friends of Tibet will gather at the Chinese Embassy in London to mark the Day of the Disappeared.
The day, which is marked every 30 August, draws attention to those who have been taken away and imprisoned in places hidden from the public and their loved ones. Those left behind are left to worry about where they are and how they are being treated.
Enforced disappearances and secret detentions are weapons frequently used in the Chinese Communist Party’s violence against the Tibetan people. This year, following his 30th birthday and his 24th year of captivity, we will use the vigil to commemorate Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, the Panchen Lama.
We will also be gathering in support of Wangchen, a young Tibetan imprisoned after he took part in a gathering for the Panchen Lama, and his aunt Dolkar, who was put on trial and sentenced to over a year in prison after she defied the local authorities and spoke out against Wangchen’s arrest.
Those present will also show and tell the stories of scores of other Tibetans who have been taken away and are being held in unknown locations, simply for criticising the CCP or for celebrating their unique Tibetan culture.
To our supporters in London, please join us:
Wednesday 28 August, 6:30pm
Chinese Embassy in London
31 Portland Pl, Marylebone, W1B 1QD
31 Portland Pl, Marylebone, W1B 1QD
Sunday, 18 August 2019
New Doctor Who: Tom Baker & Colin Baker
It's a fallow year for Doctor Who as out favourite Time Lord takes a break whilst the BBC reboots the scripts for a "darker" season next year. Less "PC" and more Sci-Fi one hopes. In the mean time there's still plenty of Doctor Who to listen to but on CD and vinyl would you believe.
Sainsbury's are selling a exclusive full cast audio drama on coloured vinyl starring Tom Bake, Lalla Ward and not forgetting John Leeson as K9.
This album actually reached number one in the Vinyl charts following it's release showing there is not just a market for adventures of the Doctor but good old fashioned LPs as well!
The story, Wave of Destruction involves an alien invasion, MI5 and a Pirate Radio Station with a haunting jingle which makes it the most listened to radio programme in the UK. Both Tom Baker Lalla Ward are in fine form as the adventure develops brining back memories of the original show. A natural break occurs when, horror of horrors one has to get up and turn the record over.
Grab a copy if you can find one.
Meanwhile the other Baker, Colin appears in the latest Monthly adventure from Big Finish Productions as he and Peri confront the Daleks once more on the lonely planet Omnia. The Supreme Dalek wants the Doctor captured but does not want to commit his Daleks to the task. Why?
Four episodes of classic Doctor Who over 2 CD's.
And if that isn't enough in September Rose is back with a boxed set of her own as she searches for the Doctor across multiple parallel universes. Though that was impossible, then pre-order you copy now. It's cheaper that way.
Go to: www.bigfinish.com for further information on these and other releases.
Saturday, 17 August 2019
New Music: Baby Metal & Hawkwind
Then there's new music to explore. Using You Tube I've extended my musical interests abroad and Japanese all-girl/rock bands have become a regular favourite. I have a number of CD's (and one 12" EP) coutesy of JPU Records who distribute some Japanese bands in the UK.
One of the groups I've come to love is Baby Metal who have a new album due out in October Oddly the vinyl is cheaper than the CD on Amazon so.....
Here's a snippet of the girls with Elevator girl:
Official website: www.babymetal.com
Then there's the old school music scene. It's amazing how many of the bands I grew up with are still around in one form or another. I've just purchased a 45rpm single by Hawkwind. A rare event these days. I sort of miss the single, though chart music doesn't interest me much like it did in the seventies and even eighties when the 12" single was the fashion.
Hawkwind also have a new album out on October 25th, Their 32nd studio album in Hawkwind's 50 year history:
Official website: www.hawkwind.com
Official website: www.babymetal.com
Then there's the old school music scene. It's amazing how many of the bands I grew up with are still around in one form or another. I've just purchased a 45rpm single by Hawkwind. A rare event these days. I sort of miss the single, though chart music doesn't interest me much like it did in the seventies and even eighties when the 12" single was the fashion.
Hawkwind also have a new album out on October 25th, Their 32nd studio album in Hawkwind's 50 year history:
Official website: www.hawkwind.com
Friday, 16 August 2019
An Invitation to join a movement for Change
Anna Soubry MP writes:
Events in the last few days, have shown why our country needs the Independent Group for Change more than ever. I helped create this party because I believe we need a new, more honest way of doing politics and the existing political parties are incapable of fixing our broken politics and bringing about the change our country needs.
As you know our country is set to crash out of the EU at the end of October without a deal and Boris Johnson continues to ratchet up the irresponsible rhetoric of his do or die Brexit.
Our priority is to stop a no deal Brexit and get this matter back to the British people for their final say. The question is how best to achieve that. I and others have and will continue to work across the party political divide to introduce legislation in Parliament to stop no deal. That is the way to defeat no deal.
A year ago I called for a Government of National Unity to get us out of the Brexit crisis with a common purpose of holding a People’s Vote. My colleagues and I would support such a Government on the basis it will stop no deal and return Brexit to the British people with remain on the ballot paper.
However, we will not support nor facilitate any Government led by Jeremy Corbyn.
He cannot command unity of support amongst his own MPs but now Jeremy Corbyn calls on the rest of us to back him as “unity” Prime Minister. And we wont even get a People’s Vote but instead a General Election which as we know will solve nothing.
As my friend and colleague Chris Leslie said this week, Brexit and a Corbyn Government have much in common. Both will put jobs at risk, devalue our currency, drive away business and investment in the UK, divide our society and undermine our national security. Both are equally bad for Britain and TIG for Change will not facilitate either.
It is at best regrettable that some in other political parties take a different view and are keen to explore installing Corbyn as Prime Minister.
As you know a number of Labour MPs, Councillors and party members have shown considerable courage in leaving the Labour Party and abandoning their political careers. To suggest, as a significant number of MPs from the other political parties have, that they should back Corbyn in a vote of no confidence and hand him the keys of No 10 is verging on the outrageous.
I suggest that, unlike any other political party, we are clear and honest in our aims and determination to:
(1) Win cross party support for legislation to stop a no deal Brexit
(2) Secure a People’s Vote and campaign for Remain
(3) Stop a Corbyn Government
If you agree with us and share our values then join us today.
As you know our country is set to crash out of the EU at the end of October without a deal and Boris Johnson continues to ratchet up the irresponsible rhetoric of his do or die Brexit.
Our priority is to stop a no deal Brexit and get this matter back to the British people for their final say. The question is how best to achieve that. I and others have and will continue to work across the party political divide to introduce legislation in Parliament to stop no deal. That is the way to defeat no deal.
A year ago I called for a Government of National Unity to get us out of the Brexit crisis with a common purpose of holding a People’s Vote. My colleagues and I would support such a Government on the basis it will stop no deal and return Brexit to the British people with remain on the ballot paper.
However, we will not support nor facilitate any Government led by Jeremy Corbyn.
He cannot command unity of support amongst his own MPs but now Jeremy Corbyn calls on the rest of us to back him as “unity” Prime Minister. And we wont even get a People’s Vote but instead a General Election which as we know will solve nothing.
As my friend and colleague Chris Leslie said this week, Brexit and a Corbyn Government have much in common. Both will put jobs at risk, devalue our currency, drive away business and investment in the UK, divide our society and undermine our national security. Both are equally bad for Britain and TIG for Change will not facilitate either.
It is at best regrettable that some in other political parties take a different view and are keen to explore installing Corbyn as Prime Minister.
As you know a number of Labour MPs, Councillors and party members have shown considerable courage in leaving the Labour Party and abandoning their political careers. To suggest, as a significant number of MPs from the other political parties have, that they should back Corbyn in a vote of no confidence and hand him the keys of No 10 is verging on the outrageous.
I suggest that, unlike any other political party, we are clear and honest in our aims and determination to:
(1) Win cross party support for legislation to stop a no deal Brexit
(2) Secure a People’s Vote and campaign for Remain
(3) Stop a Corbyn Government
If you agree with us and share our values then join us today.
Join us as a Member
As a supporter you will receive occasional emails detailing our work. As a member you will receive a regular update with details of our work in Parliament and the campaigning activities of other members and invitations to local and national events. Members will also take part in our policy development - directly feeding in your ideas for our country’s future. So, sign up now and join us in changing British politics.
Sunday, 11 August 2019
God on a Sunday with Marty Feldman
It's Sunday morning and a while since I've put up a comedy interlude, so here's a fitting one about God by one of my favourite comedians of the sixties and seventies, Marty Feldman.
Saturday, 10 August 2019
Musical Interlude: Jethro Tull Live!
One of the most memorable bands from the seventies was the wonderful Jethro Tull fronted by Ian Anderson who just happens to be 72 today and is still going strong.
This months Prog Magazine published a huge supplement on the bands music. Still on sale I believe.
This months Prog Magazine published a huge supplement on the bands music. Still on sale I believe.
Friday, 9 August 2019
New music & some changes at Howie's Corner
Changes to Howie's Corner:-
1. Additions to recommended Blogs/Websites
Every so often the time comes for a few changes on the blogs contents, layouts and links. This week it's time for a couple of new links on the recommended blogs/websites list both of which are for those concerned about the trans-activist agenda. I have broached the subject on my blog mainly in relation to censorship, the question of self ID and the undermining of women's sex-based rights.
In the main I have posted about these issues of my Facebook page and in other Facebook discussion groups as these are issues that need addressing. It's not a question of "transphobia" but of areas where a new wave of trans-activists have adopted a highly aggressive and misogynistic campaign against any slight hint of dissension, This is harming the majority of trans-folk who have for years simply wanted to get on with adjusting their lives.
Another area that does need to be looked at is the disturbing growth of the number of children who are being transitioned far too young to even be fully aware of their own bodies, identities and sexuality. There are now a couple of sites that provide advice and information on this delicate area.
I have added the following websites to my sidebar.
First up is: safeschoolsallianceuk.net and next is: www.transgendertrend.com
Where I link to other Blogs/Websites it does not mean I necessarily agree with the full contents of the sites, simply that these are useful resources for information, discussion and/or opinion.
2. Removals from recommended Blogs & Websites
Every so often it becomes necessary to remove blogs and websites simply because they have become inactive. However on this occasion I have removed links to a left-wing blog, All That is Solid (A Very Public Sociologist) following false accusations on Facebook about my supposed Islamophobic racism and transphobia. The individual one Phil Burton-Cartledge once recommended this blog and interviewed me about my views.
However over the intervening years the rise of Corbyn who he supports and I oppose has led us down very different paths. Add to this our opposite views on the Israel/Palestine conflict, his misinterpretation of my atheism/secularism as "Islamophobia" (I never get get called "Christianophobic" when I post campaigns to oppose the Church of England taking over more schools or end compulsory Christian worship). It is also "transphobic" to support women's sex based rights apparently.
To be accused of "scabbing" on these issues is not acceptable. I will continue to defend Human Rights against religious extremism which happens to primarily Islam(ist) in nature though the rise of Hindu extremism in India and anti-Gay Christian evangelism in Africa must also be monitored.
Let me make it clear to Phil and the other woke lefty folk Islam is a religion, a set of theological ideas. It is not a race. It is never racist to criticise ideas including religion.
The new wave of censorious trans-activists and their identity politics allies are destroying free speech, research and are targeting Women's Right's especially Lesbian activists with venom and frankly violent threats. Those that ignore this trend are part of the problem.
I blogged about the left's new "cultural revolution" a couple of days back. The rise of infantile identity politics is a new fascism. The new little "Red Book" is the ever growing list of gender identities. I mean "allies" FFS. Utter self -indulgent nonsense.
New Music:-
With all that out of my system (phew) it's time for some new music from Alien Weaponry who hail from New Zealand and have a strong Maori influence in their work. I purchased their new single in limited vinyl edition from Napalm Records based in Austria.
An expensive exercise I probably won't repeat but here for your entertainment is the free You Tube video!
Thursday, 8 August 2019
Former PCS President avoids jail after stabbing partner

Image: By Sodacan
Following a short trial at which former PCS President Janice Godrich pleaded guilty to stabbing her partner during an argument in which he threatened to leave her has avoided jail.
The Daily Record reports:
A top union boss who stabbed her husband over a row about her drinking has walked from court.
Janice Godrich, 56, president of the Public Commercial Services Union, plunged a six-inch kitchen knife through Daniel Williamson’s forearm following a bust-up over booze.
However, Godrich could lose her job at a disciplinary hearing following her knife conviction.
Paisley Sheriff Court heard Godrich, who also struggles with her mental health, popped outside their home for a cigarette as police officers raced to the scene in the town’s Corsebar Road.
She appeared for sentencing yesterday after pleading guilty to a charge of assaulting her partner to his severe injury on November 23 at the couple’s home.....
And she handed over “glowing testimonial letters” from leading union officials in support of the accused, who feared she would be locked up after admitting the knife crime.
Ms Lynch said: “This is a domestic assault by definition. But this does not feature against any background of domestic violence or history of antisocial behaviour.
(The Sheriff) handed her 12 months supervision by the local authority, with a recommendation that she attended alcohol counselling as requested and attend meetings with the community mental health team.
Given the circumstances this seems the right result and one hopes Janice will receive the help she needs.
As someone who has had alcohol problems in the past I do understand the problems involved. I haven't touched drink for over 21 years so alcoholism can be beaten.
If you or anyone else needs advice or help with a drinking problem there are services available though I would advise you to talk to your doctor:
If you or anyone else needs advice or help with a drinking problem there are services available though I would advise you to talk to your doctor:
Wednesday, 7 August 2019
From Mao to Woke, the failure of modern leftism
Meanwhile for us "ordinary" folk there seems little prospect of respite from both right-wing and left-wing "populism" though the rise of racism on the left is disturbing. It's not just anti-Semitism. The editor of the pro-Corbyn website The Canary (no links, I consider it a "hate" site) thinks "people of colour", by which she means Blacks, Asians et al lose their right to their ethnicity if they support a "right-wing" government.
They have betrayed their brethren. Blacks, Asians and others cannot be free to do as they wish just follow the white dominated left who know what's best for them. After all those pesky Jews are rich bankers and industrialists that some lefties see as an "international Jewish bourgeoisie". The modern left's version of the forged "Protocols of Zion".
While all this goes on the so-called "left" continues it's love-in with extreme right-wing Islamists in Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood and some like the leaders of Stop the war (and in the past old Corbyn himself) work for the gay hanging clerics of Iran's Press TV now banned in the UK for interviewing a man who was being supervised by his torturers.
How about handing back you blood money comrades? You know who you are and Corbyn got twenty grand to add to his coffers. He is a millionaire these days. Oh, you didn't know?" Oooh Jereny Corbyn" you may well chant....
Meanwhile there are new orthodoxies that cannot be challenged in the form of the 57 varieties of gender identity and the demand that women can have their scrotum waxed. Yes women now have penises according to the "woke" some of whom claim these wondrous individuals also have periods. Er, no they don't.
Live like a woman if you wish but women's sex-based rights are not for sale especially to the seemingly self-centred trans-activists of today whose misogyny is to say the least extreme. These people do more damage to ordinary trans-people than any so-called "transphobe". Not that the woke left will listen.
As a blogger I have to find my way politically through all this mess. Although I blog less and use Facebook more these days (do join me) change has come over the eight years or so I've been blogging. From being a trade union activist in PCS then briefly Prospect backing Labour to breaking with the Labour over Corbyn, the far-left takeover and the rise of anti-Semitism to being a politically homeless pensioner as the result of serious illness.
One of the sad things is people come, people go. I am an active atheist and secularist whose views on the major religious threat from Islam(ism) is often misinterpreted as what people call "Islamophobia".
Breaking with the past is sometimes a necessary action in life. If we as individuals fail to move on with the times and changing ideas then we become those that we criticise living in a world of blinkered perspectives. Marxism, Fascism and Religion have this in common with each other. The old terms of "left" and "right" have become ever more meaningless over the years as anti-Zionism an invention of fascists becomes a tool of anti-imperialists on the left.
At the same time political and personal self indulgence has become the name of the game amongst so many parts of the political community with universities suppressing free speech when they should be encouraging it. Students hiding from ideas that that they do not agree with or want to hear. Safe spaces, Triggers, Jazz hands and all that bollocks does not prepare people for the real world.
It also censors, suppresses and forms a quiet oppressive kind of fascism where speaking one's mind or even thinking dissent becomes a crime. Mao's "Cultural Revolution" in a modern form. Let a thousand flowers bloom he said, then mowed them down.
Politics is broken. They can be fixed but only if the will is there. We need a new politics, a re-alignment of what was looking forward to what can be done for a better world. The old ideologies and theologies have failed.
Sunday, 4 August 2019
Time for Change! Join us!
Membership is now open for The Independent Group for Change. There are thousands of us around the country willing to look towards building a new "centre/social democratic" party for reason in this age of growing extremes.
There is a need for an organisation in the political centre that is for those of us who are not "Liberals" and recognise that no single party can hold the key to political truth.
Politics needs changing from the bottom upwards with electoral reform to widen and strengthen political representation from the current system which places politics in the hands of two parties taken to extremes:
Who We Are
Our primary duty as a Party is to put the best interests of the people of this country first and foremost. Our aim is to pursue policies that are evidence-based, not led by ideology, taking a long-term perspective to the challenges of the twenty-first century in the national interest, rather than locked in the old party political interests of the twentieth century.
We aim to recognise the value of healthy debate, show tolerance towards different opinions and seek to reach across outdated divides and build consensus to tackle Britain’s problems>
More on our values: voteforchange.uk/who-we-are
Please join us for real Change (Waged £5, Unwaged: £2 pm): Membership
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