Wednesday 17 October 2018

Pakistan is a Sharia Prison

Cartoon from:

Freedom of speech and expression is constantly under attack whether it be in Russia under Putin, China under Xi Jinping or Pakistan under Imran Khan. With the first two it's all about power with the latter it's also about power but with the pretence of victim-hood. The cry of being offended and the issuing of death threats is part and parcel of so much of the Islamic world.

As Islamists murder Christian teachers in Kenya and another is on death row in Pakistan we are expected to believe Islam is the victim when the intolerance and violence of the Islamists is so widespread and the "moderates" remain silent lest they be the next victims as bloggers have discovered in Bangladesh where so many have been murdered for simply expressing a point of view.

First there was the Satanic Verses a controversy artificially kicked up by the mad Ayatollah Khomeini as part of a strategy to spread his evil influence in the Muslim world, then there were the Danish Cartoonists and finally there was the murderous attack on Charlie Hebdoe. I have a copy of the edition of that newspaper to remind me that religious intolerance has become murder. 

Now Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan wants to go to the United Nations to "stop all cartoons of Mohammed". 51 Muslim nations have already attempted to make so-called "blasphemy" a world wide crime. On both counts their suppression of free thought must be opposed. We cannot allow these backward thinking bigots to interfere in our society's freedoms.

Rather we should campaign for the separation of religion and the state everywhere.  No religion should be forced down anyone's throat. 

Pakistan is nothing more than a giant Sharia prison as anyone who is not a Muslim can attest to. Under the pressure of self interested and deranged clerics there is a demand that non-Muslims abroad should face the same punishments Muslims do for offending their religion.

Never should that be allowed to happen. Stand up to the Islamists and their left-wing allies!

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