Sunday 27 January 2019

One Million Children and more

The disturbing news that over two million people in this country think the Holocaust didn't happen combined with one in twelve believing it was exaggerated shows that the need to remember the Six Million Jews who were exterminated in the Second World War is more urgent than ever.

These disturbing figures come at a time when there has been a rise of anti-Semitism via the far-left particularly in the Labour Party but also among the pro-Palestinian campaigners and the rise of political Islam or Islamism .

The reason for this is clear. For many the Holocaust, the murder of Six Million Jews has become an inconvenience to these tendencies left, religious right and anti-imperialist who have a combined desire to destroy Israel the world's sole Jewish state.

Also forgotten by these people is the Armenian Genocide committed by Turkey which resulted in the deaths of at least one and a half million innocents. The first genocide of the 20th Century. Then even more buried in history was the smaller but equally vicious extermination of the Anatolian Greeks in Turkey.

In more recent time there was the of the Yazidi's about which these groups also remained silent.

The Holocaust happened. Six Million Jews, Two Million Gypsies and One Million homosexuals were exterminated. The Armenians and Anatolian Greeks were murdered. The Yazidi's were enslaved & killed en-mass.

They must not be forgotten. Their lives remembered. Their murderers condemned.

Those who deny history will repeat it. Those who deny these Holocausts have an agenda. Don't think it can't happen to you.

Communism, Fascism and Islamism murder those who do not conform, do not obey.

They will come for the Jews first. Who would be next on their lists?


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