Sunday 27 October 2019

Support the new LGB Alliance against Homophobia and Misogyny

The news that a large number of Gay, Lesbian & Bi-sexual activists and their supporters have broken from Stonewall (despite the latter's denials) to set up a new organisation that specifically campaigns on their major concerns of rights for those attracted to the same sex should be no surprise.

Over the last few years there has been a growth in the "gender" agenda, in particular demands by a very aggressive wave of of trans activists whose demands have detracted from the core purpose of Stonewall and in particular have attempted  to undermine not just women's sex based rights but in particular those of lesbians.

Sex and gender are different and it's not possible to actually change sex only "gender". The main dispute that I have been following and campaigning against (mainly on Facebook) is the question of "Self-ID" which women see as a direct threat to their sex based rights.

It's become impossible to have a sensible debate on this issue as the hard line trans activists and their supporters simply shout "bigot" or "transphobe at everyone who queries the practical consequences of this. The no-platforming of women's rights speakers by the new wave of so-called "woke" activists in universities has suppressed not just discussion but research and education itself.

These activists have become a threat not just to women and lesbians but to free speech.

In particular many are disturbed by the argument of the "cotton ceiling" in which trans "women" who retain (and have no plans to change) their male genitals claim lesbians who refuse to sleep with them are bigots. This is nothing but a sense of male entitlement and frankly quite a perverse attitude. No one has the right to demand anyone sleep with them.

It's called rape.

The foundation of the LGB Alliance has been met with fury by the bullies of the  modern trans-movement.  Biologically they remain males regardless of gender declaration.  There has been an attempt to prevent the new group from fund raising. They have been attacked as a hate group by the trans-fascists and their allies when they are nothing of the sort.

Women's Rights activists have new allies in the form of the LGB Alliance. They should be supported by all of us who seek reasoned debate about the issues of Women, Gay and Lesbian Rights.

LGB Alliance on Facebook: LGB-Alliance-UK

LGB Alliance on Twitter: AllianceLgb

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