Saturday 16 November 2019

Fringe 2019: Socialist Equality Party

The Socialist Equality Party is one of the fragments of the old Workers Revolutionary Party whose origins and breakup was covered yesterday. (See post below)

The SEP (originally called the International Communist Party) consists of a group of individuals who sided with David North leader of the American section of the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI) then called the Workers league who started questioning Healy's demands for money from their co-thinkers around the world.

The WRP had a large operation consisting of their own print shop which employed party members at lower rates than the printing unions would have tolerated. They published a daily newspaper had a fleet of lorries for delivery ran several bookshops plus a "College of Marxist Education" and supplied Healy with vehicles for his personal use.

The WRP was in trouble despite continually telling it's allies how well they were doing when in fact sales of The News Line were in sharp decline. Additionally North had the temerity to challenge Healy's dialectical materialist theories or gobbledygook as most all outside observers saw it. This along with the sex scandal prompted the Young Socialists around the Hyland family to break away.

North managed to get all but the Greek and Spanish sections of the ICFI (all of one member in the latters case) on side and eventually all the groups changed their names to the Socialist Equality Party issuing similar manifestos in their respective countries.

Highly sectarian and aggressive the SEP is also standing candidates in the General Election. Their set of demands include that urgent matter for all of us:

★ No to austerity, militarism and war!
★ Free Julian Assange!
★ For class struggle and socialist internationalism!

Corbyn will not mobilise the working class against this threat or the war danger, but instead seeks to convince the ruling class he can be trusted. Asked by the Guardian if he was prepared for the “3 am call” warning that Britain is under imminent threat, he replied, “Of course: absolutely. You have to take decisions at times like that.”

Build the Socialist Equality Party!

Britain’s pseudo-left groups have once again loyally rallied to the Labour Party, insisting like the Socialist Workers Party that a vote for Corbyn “could change everything.” But four years of Corbyn’s leadership have proved that the Labour Party cannot be reformed, let alone British capitalism, by the installation of a nominal “left” leader whose real loyalty is to the Labour and trade union bureaucracy and British imperialism.

Election campaigns will be run in Bradford, Sheffield, Liverpool, Glasgow, Manchester and London. 

Socialist Equality Party:

International Committee of the Fourth International:

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