Monday 10 February 2020

Doctor Who: At Childhood's End by Sophie Aldred

Doctor Who: At Childhood's End, Sophie Aldred (BBC Books Hardback £16.99)

Dorothy McShane jolted from her sleep, lashing out at the creature that was reaching for her. But there was no creature. She was alone in her bedroom, her attacker nothing but a phantom from a nightmare.

And so Ace returns to the world of Doctor Who, except this is not the Ace we last saw in Survival back in 1989. This is set thirty years in the future and Dorothy is now an executive of A Charitable Earth living the high life but overlooking the now closed headquarters of UNIT, closed by order of HM Government.

People are disappearing from the streets and there are rats all over the place. Nobody is ever far from a rat in London though so what's the big deal. And what is the connection with Dorothy's past. Where did that alien spaceship orbiting the moon come from.

And since when was the Doctor a woman. How did that happen Dorothy knew the Doctor regenerated but a woman? Who were these three people and why was Yas  a wee bit suspicious. Nitro 9 is for terrorists surely not for the Doctors old companions.

With links to past events involving Ace and teams up with the 13th Doctor, Graham, Ryan and Yas, Plus there's an old friend and a baseball bat.

Now all we need is that jacket.

A stirring novel that belongs on every whovians bookshelf!

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