Today as many of the comrades marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov or Lenin as we know him the factional struggle inside the Labour Party continues as the left reacts to it's defeat and the eventual consigning of Corbynism to history. Another chapter in the failure of the far-left.
It's fitting that at a time the hardcore of Corbyn's supporters find themselves exposed as not just extremists but intolerant bullies, misogynists and racists that the various sects should be commemorating the man whose Coup d'etat led to the suppression of non-Bolshevist political parties, the gulags, mass starvation in the Ukraine and eventually to the mass murderers known to history as Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot amongst others.
The Bolsheviks never had majority support and used force to impose their will on government in society at a time when the ancient regime was disintegrating and the fledgling democratic forces were too weak to survive.
Over time the Marxist-Leninists have created myths around their supposed revolution and attributed blame for any failure on others. It's never their fault you see. Capitalists, revisionists and traitors forced their hand. They could have succeeded if only...

So we see today's comrades revelling in leaked reports seeing treachery everywhere. It was the right-wing that caused them to fail. The "Blairites" the
Even old Compo himself said the corona virus showed he was right all along for some strange reason as he returned to the back benches promising more of the same as he votes against his own party with impunity as is his want.
The comrades are even calling for a boycott of The Guardian who they accuse of campaigning to bring Corbyn down. There's tweets from the deranged editor of the The Canary a hate-filled website that backed the old codger and a formal campaign to stop people buying the paper.
There's me thinking it was a left-wing rag. Still I'm a Times reader but given the threat to print newspapers I would be more than disturbed to se a paper like The Guardian and it's Sunday sister The Observer go down. We need a broad press even if I dislike much of their output.

The left seek to find scapegoats for their failure and if the leaking of the internal report by the Labour Party causes huge financial damage as it probably will with legal action over breaches of the data protection act alone will cause what do they care?
It does not occur to them at all with their rumbustious navel gazing that it was they and Corbyn that lost them the elections. The Tories were failing and a normal mainstream party that existed before them would probably have romped home in 2017 and at least held on to power in 2019.
Problem was the comrades told everyone they disagreed with to "fuck off and join the Tories" and drove thousands of long term members and supporters away. Then they have the audacity to complain they lost. So many ex-supporters did indeed vote Conservative and even Liberal. Many also abstained from voting. In the second election Labour's "Red Wall" deserted them and voted Tory in droves.
Fact is the comrades can't see that they are Labour's worst enemy and turned people away when Labour could have won. The day Corbyn won was the day Labour lost. The battle for the heart and soul of the Labour Party continues despite the lock-down as the internet allows the comrades to argue in an empty room.
The far-left will never learn. Lenin is indeed dead and his ideas should die with him no matter what form they take today. Marxism in all it's forms has failed. Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and all their disciples inspired by them have failed.
Time to move on. Labour must reclaim social democracy for the 21st Century.
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