Sunday 10 September 2017

Children and the gender definition war


Last week The Metro, a free paper in London along with a couple of other outlets ran a story about one school in Lewes, Sussex banning all the girls from wearing skirts in order to have a "gender neutral" uniform. Apparently they have around half a dozen kids who are allegedly "transgender".

Now the idea of protecting these children from the abuse and ridicule that other kids indulge in as a matter of course is a good idea but this was "ridiculous" according to one parent who spoke to the paper.

They have a point.

Children are well, just that children. They have time to grow and and develop "naturally" and will make up their minds about a whole range of issues by the time they leave school and then become like the rest of us constantly changing and adapting to the modern world. For some it will be more difficult than others.

Isn't it always?

The ages of the pupils were not mentioned and the photo's show a couple of girls in trousers that indicate a secondary school but is this the way to protect minorities?

At the risk of getting condemned by the gender mafia I'd say the vast majority of boys and girls grow up quite adjusted to their natural biology. A majority of them will also be (shock, horror hetrosexual) but there will be a proportion of gays, lesbians and bi-sexuals. It's part of the "natural order" so to speak.

Then there is a small minority of people who seemingly have trouble in their allotted genders. That they should not be discriminated against is paramount and help should be available. But enforcing gender neutrality like this school is doing is more than ridiculous it is getting counterproductive.

According to The Sunday Times some Christian parents are suing their child's school,because a "boy" sometimes comes to classes in a dress confusing their son. A rather over the top reaction to something that should be resolved through constructive dialogue rather than legal action. In this case the parents themselves are claiming discrimination. Religious discrimination.

If one thing is clear classrooms should be safe, secular spaces where children can develop freely without an ideological war being imposed on the, Whether it's the gender issue or religion. We don't allow teachers to indoctrinate their pupils with politics, so why is religion allowed to raise it's divisive head?

As for this new found diversity fascism where will it all end? The Sunday Times reports of one GP being forbidden to run a sex change clinic for children. Apparently children can be prevented from developing puberty until later in life but besides the obvious inherent dangers can also leave them infertile.

Society must take a step back and reconsider what is happening with gender-identification. Not an easy question or one that will be resolved with ease. The activists will scream & shout but it's the children's welfare that must be put first.

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