Tuesday 19 February 2019

New group grows and left-wing hate exposed

Official portrait of Mike Gapes crop 2.jpg
Photo: By Chris McAndrew

The announcement by seven MP's that they were leaving Labour was bound to cause both interest and well hate from those who drove these good men and women out of the party in the first place. McDonnell like the good little poodle he is for the Dear leader he is hoping to replace trotted out the usual platitudes they should have stayed we'd have talked. I condemn anti-Semitism and all that crap he usually says with straight face to the media.

Trouble is behind the scenes McDonnell is President of the now widely considered coalition of anti-Semites the Labour Representation Committee. This contains the real dregs of the left ranging from the appalling Gerry Downing of "Socialist Fight" Jackie Walker. Perhaps McDonnell should resign and stop supporting these schmucks but like that's eve going to happen.

Corbyn issued some mealy mouthed statement about how sad he is whilst one of his supporters Ruth George has suggested that Israel is fin acing the split. Oh dear its that ugly anti-Semitism Zionism raising it's head again. Only been a day. No wonder Mike Gapes was appalled.

Official portrait of Luciana Berger crop 2.jpg

Photo: By Chris McAndrew

As for Luciana Berger, guess what her bullies are all claiming it's a Zionist plot, bloody Israel this, Jewish that. No wonder she left. These people should have been kicked out of the party years ago but Corbyn just doesn't care. Nor does the bulk of the left. That's why the Labour Party cannot be considered anything but institutionally anti-Semitic.

Meanwhile support for The Independent Group grows. Just 12 hours after their formation was announced the idea got 8% in a poll. Their Twitter account in just over a day has attracted over 84,000 followers and is still growing. Thousands a re signing up at the new website to get e-mails or volunteer. More Labour MP's including some Tories are believed to be considering joining the group.

Although The Independent Group is not a party and some idiots have been making much of the company status of the group probably necessitated by a need for secrecy and confidentially prior to the split forget that Momentum is the same and owned by one person Jon Lansman who also owned the Corbyn for Leader Campaign.

Meanwhile a recent poll looks very hopeful:

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