Wednesday 20 February 2019

Will May & Corbyn combine to strangle new force in politics?

Official portrait of Anna Soubry crop 2.jpg Official portrait of Heidi Allen crop 2.jpg Official portrait of Dr Sarah Wollaston crop 2.jpg
Photos: By Chris McAndrew

This morning Heidi Allen, Anna Soubry & Sarah Wollaston quit the Tories to join The Independent Group which with Joan Ryan's defection last night means there are now 11 in the group. There are suggestions that more Labour MP's are on the way and even Ken Clark has gone on record to say another 6 may join them.

British politics has been broke for a long time. A far-left dominated opposition party that has become institutionally anti-Semitic, let alone widespread bullying and intimidation with a weak Governmental ruling party that has become the prisoner of hard-line right-wing Brexiteers and has it's own "Militant Tendency made up of ex-UKIP members in many of it's constituencies. Then there were the Liberal-Democrats, discredited and ignored.

Neither Labour, the Conservatives or the Lib-Dems have anything to offer but the same old platitudes that we have heard these last few years. Ordinary people have had enough.

It seems that some politicians have risked their careers to try and create a new political movement. It's early days but there has been enormous interest. Hopefully before the year is out there will be a new party, a real third force in politics. If enough Labour MPs can be persuaded to take the plunge Corbyn could be thrown to the backbenches where he belongs.

The only danger is that the establishment parties will seek to strangle this new movement by calling for an early election before The Independent Group is ready. Both Corbyn and May need to strangle this new force at birth so their interest merge.

We need to be ready to face this challenge. Sign up now!

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