(Source FEMEN)
The women, two French and one German have had their quite severe sentence suspended and will now be leaving Tunisia "at the earliest opportunity". Meanwhile Amina Tyler remains in prison awaiting trial for carrying an "incendiary device", which turned out to be an "illegal gas spray".
The women, two French and one German have had their quite severe sentence suspended and will now be leaving Tunisia "at the earliest opportunity". Meanwhile Amina Tyler remains in prison awaiting trial for carrying an "incendiary device", which turned out to be an "illegal gas spray".
The three women stated FEMEN exists to "fight for the rights of women wherever they are threatened".

(source FEMEN)
At the same time with everyone watching and waiting for tomorrows big demonstrations in Egypt, FEMEN activists targeted the main Mosque in Stockholm, Sweden and issued the following statement:
At the same time with everyone watching and waiting for tomorrows big demonstrations in Egypt, FEMEN activists targeted the main Mosque in Stockholm, Sweden and issued the following statement:
(Please note this is a translation by Google from Russian):
Led by the Egyptian activist FEMEN Alia Al Mahdi, three sekstremistki movement held a topless rally in the main mosque in Stockholm. Egyptian, Tunisian and Swedish sekstremistki FEMEN symbolically rid of the black hijab, in the heart of a place of worship.
Sekstremistki welcomed this gesture antiislamistskuyu great Egyptian revolution, the beginning of which is scheduled for June 30.
FEMEN calls upon the Egyptian women to take an active part in the overthrow of Islamism revenge for centuries of humiliation and slavery.
"I believe that the Egyptian women would rather die than allow the regime Mursi clothe yourself in a light-proof bag Islamism" - said sekstremistka FEMEN, famous Egyptian dissident antiislamistskaya Alia El Mahdi. The fire of revolution, burn!
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