Delegates from all over the UK will be arriving in Brighton from today for the Annual Conference of the PCS civil service union. Undoubtedly, the main issue on every ones mind will be the proposed takeover of PCS by the Unite union.
This won't be discussed until the first debate on Wednesday morning, so in the meantime delegates might be interested in seeing the two motions on the merger that will be debated at Unites Policy Conference
Although there is some similar wording the second motion takes a much harder stance against the merger. Neither spell out the "target" of their concerns, but its obviously PCS and the concerns over finances/pensions deficit would seemingly confirm many PCS activists worries about the parlous state of our unions financial position.
P1 Future Mergers and Transfer of Engagements
Unite welcomes the interest in mergers from other trade unions. Where both parties have similar
industrial interests, merger is something that should be considered seriously by both unions.
Even though difficulties still exist as a result of previous mergers, Unite has emerged as a strong,
United and progressive union that is at the fore front of the UK and Irish labour movements. It is
therefore essential that future mergers or transfers of undertakings/engagements do not jeopardise
this position or the union’s financial situation. The primary consideration should be the advancement of the industrial strength, organisation and ability to ensure future prosperity of the members of both unions.
We have a year to the General Election and Unite needs to be at the forefront, ensuring the conservatives or a con/lib coalition is not reelected and that the country is seen to be moving
towards a fairer society which is for the benefit of the majority rather than the minority that it currently serves.
Conference therefore calls on the Unite Executive to:
- ensure any future mergers or transfers of undertakings/engagements do not notably damage the financial situation of Unite including though not exclusive, attention to the pension’s liabilities of any potential merger or transfer of undertakings/engagements partner;
- examine and report back the political, industrial and financial implications of any future mergers or transfers of undertakings/engagements,should such possibilities arise to every Policy Conference;
- ensure that the final agreement for a merger or transfers of undertakings/engagements into Unite is the property of the Unite Policy Conference.
East Midlands/GPM&ITRISC
P2 Future Mergers & Transfer of Engagements
While future mergers or transfers of undertakings/engagements may be essential and must never be
ruled out, it is clear to activists we have yet to fully consolidate previous sections of UNITE or fully
address the financial situation Unite faces.
Even though difficulties still exist, Unite has emerged as a strong, United and progressive union that
is at the forefront of the UK and Irish labour movements. It is therefore essential that future
mergers or transfers of undertakings/engagements do not jeopardise this position or the union’s
financial situation.
We are a year away from a critical General Election where Unite’s contribution will be pivotal in
ensuring the conservatives or a con/lib coalition is not re elected and that a Labour government
returns to office. Indeed the election of our Unite General Secretary was even brought forwards
from 2015 to 2013 precisely to enable Unite to give full attention to winning the 2015 General
Election. Any mergers or transfers of undertakings/engagements discussions with trade unions who
are not affiliated to the Labour Party will inevitably be a huge distraction and will take our attention,
focus and energy away from winning the 2015 General Election.
Conference therefore instructs the Unite Executive to:
- not open formal talks aimed at mergers or transfers of undertakings/engagements with any unions prior to the 2015 General Election.
- ensure any future mergers or transfers of undertakings/engagements beyond 2015 do not further damage the financial situation of Unite,including, although not exclusive,attention to the pension liabilities of any potential merger or transfer of undertakings/engagements partner;
- thoroughly examine and report back to the membership on the financial implications of any future mergers or transfers of undertakings/engagements before any decisions are taken by the Executive Council;
- ensure that the final agreement for any merger or transfers of undertakings/engagements into Unite is the property of the full Executive Council requiring a 75% majority for approval.
East Midlands/DE40 Manufacturing & Rail Branch
The "transfer of engagements/merger/takeover of PCS by Unite has an additional obstacle to over come.
The time has come for delegates to get the full unequivocal truth (if possible) about the PCS leaderships real reasons for pushing for the end of the independence of the largest civil service union.