Thursday 10 September 2020

CND & Stop the War Campaigns share platform with defender of Chinese oppression of Uyghurs


The revival of old East-West rivalries has seen many former supporters of the Soviet bloc side with Putin or Xi Jinping despite an end to both Soviet communism and the transformation of China into a state controlled capitalist economy paying mere lip service to their Marxist legacies. Both countries have become expansionist and developed imperial ambitions and this hardcore of leftists seem determined to back these dictatorships against the democratic West.

The leaders of these so-called "peace movements" have long been one-sided in conflicts taking place around the world particularly in the Middle East where the StWC protested about Western intervention on behalf off the democratic forces and rallied to the support of the Assad regime never condemning either Syrian or indeed Russian bombs as the fell on civilians indiscriminately. 

Barrel bombs, chemical weapons all ignored in the name of what the comrades define as "anti-imperialism". The StWC and other left wing groups also campaigned against arming the Kurds fighting a war against the genocidal ISIS terrorists

In the Yemen these activists condemn the assistance given to the legitimate government by Saudi Arabia and other pro-Western Arab states whilst ignoring the role of Iran, the country that as part of it's strategy to gain hegemony in the region encouraged the Houthi rebels and armed them to conduct war.

The connections between Stop the War leaders Lyndsey German and John Rees are clear to see. Both these individuals work for Iranian propaganda station Press TV. This station now banned in the UK was notorious for it's editorial bias and the broadcasting of an interview with a victim of torture under the supervision of his torturers.

Don't mention the £20,000 picked up by former President of the StWC one Jeremy Corbyn...

So their latest enterprise should really come as no surprise (though frankly it does) that these groups are sharing a platform and promoting the views of Victor Goa a defender of the Chinese actions against the Uyghur Muslims. In this they are backed by the Socialist Action group* consisting of Ken Livingstone's former GLC Lieutenants including John Ross. 

It has become well documented that the Uyghurs are facing severe repression and are being "reeducated in what can only be described as concentration camps. Yet Goa denies:

"You may call it repression, or you may call it educational or training schools' teaching methods."

"..this is not a concentration camp" and the government is dealing with extremism and separatism... In Xinjiang there is no denying there is an increasing level of radicalisation,"

This event is part of a campaign to blame the US for "starting a new Cold War" which includes it would seem not just the covering up of of Chinese expansion in the South China seas seizing Islands contested by all it's neighbours and sword rattling about invading Taiwan. Let alone the continuing savage occupation of Tibet.

Victor Goa an apologist for the Chinese Communist Party is presented as a "peace activist" covering his role as Chinese state lackey covering for their crimes against humanity in the Xinjiang province.

The time has come for the Labour and trade union movement to cease supporting and start disaffiliating from the Stop the War Coalition which is nothing but a vehicle to push the agendas of oppressive states and dictatorships in China, Iran and Russia. . 

Further Information:

Uyghur Solidarity UK   Image

Uyghur Solidarity Campaign:

Free Tibet:

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