Wednesday 10 May 2017

Beyond the general election

A couple of days ago I posted a short piece on whether social democracy had a future and ended with speculation over the future of the Labour Party. When posted to one of the "moderate" or mainstream Labour Facebook pages I found myself being admonished by an old political ally from the PCS union who demanded I wait until after the election to discuss such matters.

Given that every time I pick up a newspaper or turn on the TV I see Corbyn refusing to answer questions he finds uncomfortable such as Brexit under Labour or old McDonnell trying to deny he's a Marxist when asked directly, let alone the complete arse Diane Abbott made of herself..twice I think like most people who normally vote Labour I'm perfectly entitled to speculate

This morning I picked up The Telegraph in addition to my normal times because of their front page story Labour faces historic party split:

Labour faces a historic split after the election with as many as 100 of the party's MPs set to walk out and form their own breakaway group in an attempt to force out Jeremy Corbyn, The Telegraph can disclose.

Moderate Labour candidates are already in talks with potential donors about a new “Progressives” group forming in Parliament if Mr Corbyn stays on as leader after a Tory landslide.

If MPs at the top of the Labour Party are indeed planning such a move then it is perfectly legitimate to discuss what happens next, now!

From where I'm sitting there seems no hope of Labour winning the next election and frankly under the control/leadership of Corbyn and his Momentum disciple it is frankly undesirable.

The Tories are set to win, it's just a question of how big their majority is going to be. The UKIP vote which includes large numbers of former Labour voters is decamping direct to Theresa May. Old "tribal" loyalties have broken down amongst a huge swathe of the electorate. The situation is nowhere near the same as when the failed SDP was formed under the "gang of four".

However a formal split is a long way away. In the meantime a battle royale is going to be fought inside the Labour Party itself. It's not just the MPs. Staff at Labour Party headquarters have threatened to strike if Corbyn doesn't go after a disastrous election.

He won't. He's said so and tried denying despite the publication of a tape recording of his answer to a straight question. Left-wing leaders do not see themselves in the same light as democratic politicians who generally resign when they fail. 

The left think us plebs all have false consciousness and are brainwashed by the MSM (mainstream media) and will eventually accept their leadership. The hell we are,. The hell we will. Patronising bastards.

So how should we vote in the forthcoming general election?

Frankly I would urge those of you with anti-Corbyn MPs should support them and do not vote for anyone who supports Steptoes or is involved with his political tendency. If you live in the constituencies held by the likes of Corbyn, McDonnell or Abbott vote for the candidate most likely to unseat them. 

If you don't you might as well vote Tory because Corby is their best asset. 

Any candidate that supports Corbyn must be rejected. The election is already lost prepare for what comes next. If that means a new party before the following election so be it. The far-left will not go quietly or peacefully. They are beyond redemption.

They are a cult.

And there's enough cults in this world already

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