Thursday 13 September 2018

"Even an anti-Zionist Jew is still a Zionist"

Reading the Weekly Worker, paper of the tiny Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) can sometimes be a bit of a chore given their dryness but it's a great source of left wing sectariana, though this week it was not so obvious.

In a report back from this years "Communist University" Danny Hammil reports:

There were also lively and always provocative contributions from members of Socialist Fight and the undeniably odd Economic and Philosophical Science Review group.

Now Socialist Fight is the three man operation run by Gerry Downing who was kicked out of the Labour Party and made a complete arse of himself when interviewed on TV. That and the mad ravings of ex CPGB member Ian Donovan who thinks that there is an "International Jewish Bourgeoisie" conspiracy are well known. Ironically the CPGB kicked Donovan out on the grounds his theories were "anti-Semitic".

The other group was however new to me and I had to investigate further. It seems that the Economic and Philosophical Science Review was a breakaway group from the Workers Revolutionary Party in 1979 and originally went by the name Workers Party, the the International Leninist Workers Party before adopting their current name.

Founded by the late Royston Bull, they broke with Trotskyism entirely. This became evident as the rise of the LGBT movement had it's issues taken on by the Communist and Trotskyist left. The EPSR opposed this saying that this had an obvious evolutionary disadvantage in evolutionary terms for any species. Or homophobia as it's known today.

It hardly comes as a suprise that their views on Jews and Israel are equally repugnant. In the latest issue of their "journal" (which was published at one time in an A4 format) is on line in a barely readable format.

The EPSR outline their demented view of the current anti-Semitism crisis in Labour:

"..the insane topsy-turvy nonsense of the browbeating “anti-semitism” campaign, attempting to paint as “racism” all the growing mass world hostility to the vile and vicious Jewish-Zionist occupation of Palestine (falsely labelled “the state of Israel”) and the inevitable hostility its barbaric genocidal actions generate, not just against Zionism there, but against the entire ‘Israel’-supporting Jewish freemasonry elsewhere throughout Western imperialism. plays on the retreat by the entire fake-”left” into single-issue reformism, from feminism to LGBTQ rights and black nationalism in a dozen ever more convoluted PC permutations, which they have used to maintain a pretence of radical action for decades while evading and diverting from the revolutionary politics

Particuarly disturbing is this reference to Jewish members:

The reactionary warmongering Blairite wing (with a number of outright Jewish members), now obscenely riding this demented campaign, has long gone far beyond the “normal” treacherous class collaboration of Labourism into outright collusion with imperialist fat cats and warmaking of course, and confirms it now by playing an utterly vicious role to sabotage even the tame Corbynite “left” with this gobshyte.

But the slimy apostasy of the Corbynites, dishonestly hidden behind denials of past positions or solidarity gestures, is essentially no different.

Make of that last sentence what you will. I find it disturbing.

Then there's this. Even an "anti-Zionist Jew  is still a Zionist". :

Zionism in real terms lies in the support for the continued occupation of “Israel” by the Jews which is a common position held by both overt Zionists and virtually all notionally “anti-Zionist” Jews too.

And since that occupation is possible only by violently dispossessing the Palestinians to greater or lesser extent, even “anti-Zionist” Jews in practice, are effectively Zionist.

A whole race condemned. There is no hope for any of us it would seem.

The theory that politics come full circle at the extremes is once more confirmed as the EPSR becomes no different to the National Socialist of the far-right.

Fortunately neither the EPSR or it's equally evil twin Socialist Fight are around in any number but they illustrate the way  that anti-Zionism morphs into outright anti-Semitism. These organisations may get laughed at by the rest of the left but there are many Corbynistas who use the same logic when it comes to "The Jewish Problem.

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