Sunday 23 September 2018

Labour Party Fringe (3) : Labour Against the Witch hunt

Labour against the witch-hunt

One of the more sinister fringe groups active inside the Labour Party is the Labour Against the Witch Hunt (LAW). This group contains, defends and promotes some of the worst individuals in and around the Labour Party.

Closely associated with the Jewish Voice for Labour which contains many of the same individuals either in or about LAW or their defence campaigns. These include two well known and rather unpleasant individuals like Jackie Walker and Tony Greenstein.

LAW is gearing up to be very active during Labour Party Conference and inform their supporters:

We are at a crucial moment in the civil war in the party, with the witch-hunt against Jeremy Corbyn and the left in the party reaching ever new heights. We understand that in addition to their plans to force Corbyn’s hand on Brexit (there is a demo planned on Sunday afternoon) and the ongoing smears around Anti-Semitisn, the right is also planning on sabotaging conference wherever possible.

LAW use the totally unreliable propagandist Skwawkbox website to claim that the "right-wing" plan to disrupt meeting including ones with Chris Williamson the "Beira" of the Corbynista left:

Right-wingers hope to force conference delegates to ‘run the gauntlet’ of a placard-waving demonstration that will claim to be about antisemitism, but in reality is about undermining and removing the party’s leader.

Usually of course conferences and meetings are surrounded by hordes of left-wing newspaer seller and other leftie protestors complaining about this and that. The fact that others might dare protest against them is so galling to the comrades ego's. 

They further claim:

The right has a fourfold plan for the Conference fringe and the parallel ‘The World Transformed‘ (TWT) event. Disruption is planned at any fringe event that Corbyn is expected to attend, or that involves the Jewish Voice for Labour group or its supporters. In addition, any appearances by Unite general secretary Len McCluskey, Labour general secretary Jennie Formby or Chris Williamson are on the hit-list.

Not a shred of evidence of course though any attempt by someone who attends one the meetings run by the Corbynites that attempts to disagree will of course be fingered as a disruptive right winger. Of course the fact it's usually the left that engages in planned disruptions of "right-wing" (by which they mean anyone the left disagrees with) meetings is an irony lost on the comrades. Perhaps they should be the ones pointed out by the Dear Leader as those who do not understand history or the British sense of irony. 

Oh yeah, that's Jews Zionists of course..........

LAW advises the comrades: not let right-wingers provoke you. We know they will try and they will in all likelihood have somebody with a camera nearby. They will want to make us look like dangerous lunatics..

Not that they aren't already of course.

Talking of Zionists LAW take a strong view  of the National Exective adopting the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism, personalising it around the unsavoury types who have been excluded, suspended or expelled from the Labour Party:

For the last three years, vastly exaggerated claims that the Labour Party is awash with anti-Semites have been used to attack the left. But Ken Livingstone, Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth, Tony Greenstein and hundreds of other Labour Party members were little more than collateral damage.

This vicious campaign, orchestrated by the pro-Zionist lobby and the right in the party, never had anything to do with fighting anti-Semitism – but everything with getting rid of Jeremy Corbyn. His pro-Palestinian views and socialist policies make him unacceptable to both.

It's all about them and their precious ego's. The destruction of a nation to satisfy their ideological mores of course is not bigotry. But then these people, like Corbyn have never worked for peace. Ever.

Oh and they want Lansman (who recognises anti-Semitism but remains an "anti-Zionist") "dealt with and call for:

Instead of defending Corbyn, Momentum owner Jon Lansman has sided with the witch-hunters. He has thrown Jackie Walker and Pete Willsman to the wolves and is now ready to abandon Corbyn, too. He wants the term ‘Zionism’ banned. He runs Momentum like a dictator, having abolished all democratic structures.

Not a bit like the Bolsheviks then?

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