Wednesday 23 April 2014

Ecuador: Stop the persecution of social and labour activists

A joint LabourStart & Public Services International appeal

Eric Lee writes:

Ecuador's populist president must stop persecuting labour and social leaders. That's the message we're asking trade unionists around the world to send today to Rafael Correa.

An online campaign launched today on LabourStart is expected to generate thousands of messages calling on Correa to free Dr Carlos Figueroa, ex-leader of the Ecuadorian Medical Federation, Cléver Jiménez Cabrera, the Pachakutik Movement parliamentarian, his advisor, Fernando Villavicencio Valencia, ex-leader of the oil workers' trade union, and Mary Zamora, ex-president of the National Union of Teachers.

The jailed union leaders had asked the public prosecutor to investigate the propriety of the President’s order for military intervention to "rescue" him from the National Police Hospital in Quito during a political crisis in September 2010. The violent military action resulted in a number of deaths.

Correa accused the union leaders of "hacking" his email; they claim they were merely investigating corruption.

Public Services International, a global union representing millions of public sector workers, initiated the current campaign on LabourStart.

Please take a moment to show your support for the campaign - click here.

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