Sunday 28 October 2018

Anti-Semitism Leads To Murder

The shocking murder of so many innocents just because they are Jewish should disgust every civilised human being. There is no political gain to be had here.

Hate has trumped tolerance. Death has been the only winner.

Sadly such incidents have been common throughout history as so many have been intolerant of those that are different.

In modern times there have been wide-scale genocides. The Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, then the Greeks in Turkey, the Jews of Europe, the Tutsi's of Africa and the Yazidi's of the Middle East. Racial, nationalistic, tribal and religious rivalries have been at the forefront of these atrocities.

A stand needs to be taken against the ideologies of hate. Communism, Fascism and Islamism are but the three main threats to us all.

Racism, and at this time anti-Semitism in particular has seeped into the mainstream and must be rooted out where ever it appears whether in the demented minds of lone wolf fascists, the more organised political formations and those that operate under the cover of "anti-Zionism".

The far-right and the far-left are equally responsible for the current level of threats against the Jewish community world-wide.

We must all stand together against these extremists, after all when they have finished with the Jews, who will be next?

Never Again!

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